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Seasonal Hurricane Predictions
Historical Average
Past Activity
Seasonal Hurricane Predictions
To date
Average prediction
Prediction range
[ - ]
Historical Average
Past Activity
Seasonal Hurricane Predictions Information
Data sources
This website is a platform that brings together seasonal hurricane predictions from different forecasters (universities, government agencies, private companies and other organizations). The prediction for seasonal hurricane activity is computed by averaging all of the individual predictions that have been submitted by forecasters, while the range is given by the minimum and the maximum of the individual submitted predictions.

Season to date
Average prediction
Private entity
Government Agency
Most recent tropical cyclone forecasts (April-December) from each of the forecasting centers. The three categories (low, normal and high) correspond to the tercile distribution based on 1991-2020 activity, except for ACE where the tercile distributions from 1951 to 2020 are used (NOAA standard).